
Historion application preview.

Wearer Console

Manage wearer details in one convenient place.

A Doctor can view a patient’s records, print scripts for medication, author referral letters and make medical notes in a patient-centric system of pages and tabs.

Using a very similar concept, Historion has a wearer-centric System of pages and tabs for all information and tools the radiation safety officer needs for managing radiation exposure and other data for wearers.

The wearer console is used to produced exit letters, print wearer exposure reports, and edit all address, contact, demographic and radiation use licence details for the wearer.

Radiation safety officers can record wearer file notes, import external file attachments and keep track of exposure alerts, update training, source operator and protective device records for the wearer.

All these tools are in one convenient wearer-centric location.

Dose Alert Diagnostic Details

Detect and diagnose problem doses and aggregates.

Understanding the reasons for higher-than-expected exposure to radiation are critical in ensuring that ALARA principles are followed to keep exposure to a minimum.

Historion provides a Dose Alert settings, breach detection and analysis system that gives the RSO the tools needed to record and examine outlier exposure events in fine detail.

File annotations and follow up notes can be added and external attachments can be imported and associated with the exposure event or aggregate.

The system includes a customisable list of the causal factors that lead to problem exposure events or aggregates and a customisable list of the follow up actions undertaken.

Custom alerts settings allow additional monitoring of exposure across occupational, geographic, site and dose application settings both for individual doses and aggregate exposure over varying time periods.

Over time the RSO and management can detect and interrogate thematic outcomes and determine requirements for new training and process improvement opportunities for ensuring radiation safety is optimised.

Training and Operator Registers

Track current radiation safety training levels.

Radiation safety training is at the core of ensuring that occupationally exposed individuals are well protected from excessive doses of radiation.

Training ensures that people know how and why to avoid and shield themselves from radiation.

Historion provides the RSO detailed registers of radiation safety courses, industry accreditation and government certification levels as well as operator records associating trained staff with sources.

Historion allows the radiation safety officer and HR department to update radiation training outcomes for occupationally exposed individuals and to keep required radiation training course details readily available, all in one place.

Import and associate course outline attachments, result transcripts, certification and accreditation materials and add online references and links to important information sources.

Radiation Source Register

Radiation Management Licence administration

Historion’s source inventory provides a highly specialised asset management and classification system uniquely aligned with radiation safety officer requirements.

The system includes registers for record service details, testing episodes and identification and status in addressing defect and source issues.

Compliance certification and expiry can easily be tracked along with Historion’s sophisticated attachment and reference management system.

Import and associate manuals, specifications, receipts, reports, warranty and guarantee documents and permits and any other attachments required.

Protective Device Register

Meet attenuation testing obligations.

Historion provides a detailed protect device model register and protective device register.

Perform AS4549 model safety assessments before recommending new devices for radiation safety purposes in your organisation.

Record and demonstrate legal compliance with regulatory requirements in attenuation testing of lead aprons.

Record and track damaged or defective devices and their repair or disposal status.

National Radiation Dose Register Submissions

Meet national dose register reporting obligations.

Historion includes support for generating the quarterly submission files required by the Australian National Radiation Dose Register (ANRDR).

Historion’s automated readiness checker provides a convenient pre-extraction test utility that validates the completeness of worksite and radiation worker demographics and classifications required by the register.

As the only commercially available product that supports the ANRDR custom submission format Historion is indispensable in maintaining for Commonwealth licence holder.

Standard reports, custom reports and powerful data and extraction tools.

Meet standard and custom data reporting needs.

Historion uses ActiveReports to implement its standard reporting and custom report development interfaces.

The standard and custom reporting interfaces have been improved and refined over a 12-year period with extensive feedback from our user base.

This has empowering us to deliver an ideal suite of reports and reporting capabilities for the radiation safety officer.

Configurable Dose Applications and Data Rules

Add and classify new dosimetry record types as they arise.

Import new dose report type definitions and establish custom reading classification and dose application data rules.

Online Data Transfer (Landauer only)

Import provider dose readings online.

Transfer dose records online from the very popular Historion-Landauer online data transfer service.

No more manual handling of CSV or XML files, securely transfer directly from the source to your Historion database.